Posts Tagged north Phoenix auto repair

How to Spot a Dishonest Auto Repair Shop

How to Spot a Dishonest Auto Repair Shop

Most people have anxiety over entrusting their auto repairs to an auto repair shop, and for good reason. Horror stories abound about auto repair fraud and hundreds of dollars of unnecessary money spent by people who could not afford it. How does this happen so often? It’s simple: most people don’t know enough about cars to know when they are being ripped off. If you fall into this group, then you don’t have to take a mechanics course to protect yourself from fraudulent charges. Here are some tips for how to spot a dishonest auto repair shop:
Do your research. Knowledge is your best form of defense. There are some common fixes that you can easily identify yourself; for example, fault brakes and an oil leak are pretty simple problems that any layman can diagnose. Even more complex problems relay certain symptoms that you can research. Whatever the case may be, sit down at your computer and research the specifics of your auto problem, including possible causes, fixes, parts, and labor costs. If you know someone who is handy with cars, ask about your particular circumstances to get a better idea of what kind of repair you may need. Do all of this before you head to the mechanic shop, so that you can really talk shop with the repairman (and spot dishonesty).
Replaced parts policy. Any reputable shop should be more than willing to give you the parts from your car that were replaced. If an auto mechanic does not volunteer you the allegedly faulty part for inspection (so that you can see just how damaged it is), then it’s possible that mechanic is being dishonest.
Add-ons. If you take your car in for a simple repair and the shop calls you to say they discovered a number of other things you “must” have repaired while your car is in the shop, then you need to be on guard for dishonesty. Additional repairs that were not initially diagnosed are called add-ons, and they may not be necessary. Before you sign on to pay for add-ons, do your research to find out of the problem is really as immediate as the mechanic would have you believe.
Finding the right auto repair shop for you can be a little intimidating. If you want quality service from a name you can trust, then you should put this important job into the hands of experienced professionals like us, Auto Air & Electric. We can be reached by phone, at 602-548-0901, or email:

Auto Air & Electricl

2240 W. Bell Rd

(602) 548-0901

Three Reasons Why Do It Yourself Auto Repair is Not a Good Idea

Three Reasons Why Do It Yourself Auto Repair is Not a Good Idea

Auto repairs can be very expensive. For that reason, many people look for ways to cut costs; some even opt to try their own hands at auto repair, however inexperienced they are. Generally speaking, auto repair is something that should be left to the professionals. Need some convincing? Here are three reasons why do it yourself auto repair is not a good idea:
Some car repairs are dangerous. Many auto repairs require that you jack your car up off the ground, or that you handle electrical parts and heavy machinery/tools. If you don’t have experience with these things, you could be putting yourself in grave danger by taking the chance on repairing your automobile yourself. For safety’s sake, take your car in to a qualified repair shop.
You don’t know what you’re doing. Face it: mechanics are able to call themselves mechanics for a reason. They either went to a special school, or studied under a mentor for years, to learn all about auto repair. While it is true that you can research the Internet and check out books from the library to learn about auto mechanics, there is absolutely no substitute for years of hands-on experience and training. It’s not unusual for inexperienced do it yourselfers to complete the first part of a job, only to find that they get stuck – parts all over the garage floor – with no idea of how to remedy the situation (or put their vehicles back together). If you are not a mechanic, then your best bet is to leave your auto repairs to the professionals.
You could make a bad problem worse. This is related to the “you don’t know what you’re doing” point. Basically, some auto repairs are simple to fix, while some are not. Unless you know about cars, you don’t know which is which, and you could end up causing more damage than what you had in the first place. For example, for someone inexperienced, a simple brake pad replacement job could result in a much more involved lesson in brake lines and hydraulics. If you don’t know how to address these more advanced issues, you may end up even worse off than what you started with – replaced brake pads and all.
Shop around. Not all auto repair shops are created equal. Once you have a good idea of what type of repairs your vehicle needs, you should call around to find out how much your local auto shops will charge for the same repairs. Chances are you can save a great deal of money just by doing this footwork.

Auto Air & Electricl

2240 W. Bell Rd

(602) 548-0901

Road Trip Ready Vehicle

Road Trip Ready Vehicle

Driving across the country can be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience, but are you sure that your car or truck can take the punishment? To be sure, you should contact your local auto mechanic and ask him or her to give your vehicle a nice once-over. Of course, if you want to save money, you can do the checkup yourself. The following six items should be checked before you take your car out on the open road. If you don’t, you may find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere with no ride and no luck.

Flush The Radiator

You should replace your coolant at least once per year. Over time, the radiator coolant can break down and it can begin to corrode your radiator. This can lead to very expensive problems later on. It’s best to just flush it and fill it when it comes to preparing for a long road trip.

Check Your Tires

If you’re going to be traveling in the summer, that likely means rain. Make sure the tread on your tires will accommodate wet or otherwise hazardous roads. You wouldn’t want to find yourself in a ditch or worse. And while you’re down there, make sure you also check your tire’s pressure. Look in the vehicle’s instruction manual for the proper psi.

Replace Windshield Wipers

During the winter months, your windshield wipers can become warped and useless. It’s best to replace them so that you never have to worry about not being able to see in torrential downpours.

Replace Your Air Filter

This should be done at least twice per year. It takes five minutes and it will save you loads of headaches in the future.

How Are Your Brakes?

You shouldn’t attempt a brake job unless you’re specifically trained to do so. That being said, your brakes should be inspected twice per year to make sure that everything is up to par. You never want to take chances with your vehicle’s brakes, especially when you’re traveling a long way on unfamiliar roads.

Check Your Battery

If your battery is corroded or the connections appear loose, try cleaning it and tightening the wires and cords that connect to the positive and negative ports. Use a voltmeter to test the connections. If you’re getting adequate power and you’ve managed to clear the corrosion, you should be good to go. But if your battery isn’t working adequately, it’s better to change it now rather than later. You never know when it’ll die, and it’ll probably happen at the least opportune moment.

If you are heading out on a road trip, contact Auto Air & Electric where we will make sure you get to and from your destination safely with expert auto air conditioner repair  and general automotive services.

Auto Air & Electricl

2240 W. Bell Rd

(602) 548-0901